
Always Improving to Better Meet Your Needs


--Sean P. Neill Vice President of Operations

Factors and pressures that influence our ability to remain competitive rarely pause in their evolution.  Our customers (Product Manufacturers) are squeezed on one end by downward price pressure from competitive products and consumer desire for a better deal. On the other end upward pressure comes from rising costs associated with regulatory compliance, material constraints, labor rate pressure, and ever-present demand for shorter lead times.  This scenario creates a clamp that continues to close tighter.      

“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” Henry David Thoreau

At ControlTek, we are busy about the business of Continuous Improvement.  We strive to eliminate waste in all areas and all processes.  We have learned that improving processes via standardization creates capacity and available capacity leads to creative thinking, creative thinking in turn leads to innovation and improvements. 

Our Quality Management Systems (QMS) is an integral part of our business as it provides a framework for our processes and promotes the standardization of how we do business.  It is the blending of a culture of continuous improvement and our QMS that provides the best countermeasures for the increased pressure our customers face.  A combination of internal audits and Continuous improvement projects are two excellent ways to identify opportunities to eliminate waste and hone our processes resulting in improved efficiency and lower costs.  For this to be truly optimized, the entire organization must look at challenges not as immovable objects but obstacles that are yet to be conquered.  

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