
ControlTek Joins Ranks of Healthiest Companies in Southwest Washington


A Big Year for Healthy Employees

To help us round out 2014, ControlTek has been named separately as one of the region’s Healthiest Companies by both the Portland Business Journal and the Vancouver Business Journal. To say we feel honored is a major understatement!

Named an “Honoree” at last year’s PBJ Awards Ceremony, ControlTek went on to become an award winner this year. Winners are chosen based on a scoring system that compares company data to national averages for other companies who have Employee Wellness programs in place. Factors include programs such as employee benefits, smoking cessation, and other helpful programs in place to help improve the overall health and well being of employees.

Our V.P. of Human Resources and Marketing, Stacey LaFrazia Smith, was happy to report that this year’s Portland Business Journal event brought a noticeably larger crowd, as more and more businesses begin to realize the importance of wellness efforts. This year’s event brought out more manufacturers than in previous years as well.

“It was great to see the increase in attendees,” Stacey told us. “It shows that an ever-growing number of businesses are beginning to see HR as a vital piece of a business’s success.”

Panelists at this year’s event included participants from Velotech, United Way, Regence BlueCross Blueshield of Oregon, as they covered topics ranging from data trends to creating a culture of health in the workplace.

Just two weeks later, ControlTek was awarded the Healthiest Companies of Southwest Washington Award in the Large Employer category. These awards are given to companies that go “above and beyond to create a healthy workforce.” This was ControlTek’s first award from the VBJ and we are thrilled to have made the list! ControlTek was chosen by the Vancouver Business Journal because of our commitment to our Forward Living Wellness Program as well as a culture that includes a commitment to a stress-relieving, fun and healthy culture.

We feel very lucky to be honored by both the Portland Business Journal and the Vancouver Business Journal, and are committed to continuing to work towards our wellness bottom line - to eliminate lifestyle related disease among our employees and their families.”

To read more about the Vancouver Business Journal Healthiest Companies of 2014, click here.


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