
Forward Living Wellness Program Gets ControlTek Moving This Summer


At ControlTek, our vision and mission are clearly focused around our ability to create longterm partnerships.

Often those relationships are with ControlTek's customers and vendors, but we also believe that as an organization our success rests squarely on our ability to form equally strong partnerships with our employees.

That's just one of the reasons we kicked off this year with the start of ControlTek's Forward Living Program.

The Forward Living Employee Wellness Program is based on the fundamental belief that healthy habits empower our employees to live happier, more successful lives. 

The ControlTek Forward Living Program includes:

  • A Full Health Risk Assessment
  • Individual Health Consultation
  • Healthy Goal Planning
  • Rewarding Progress Toward Health Goals

This summer, ControlTek is taking it one step further with the addition of a new indoor exercise track complete with step-by-step exercise instructions designed to help employees work towards better health.

This program helps us stay connected to our employees and to help encourage the small, daily steps that lead towards a healthier lifestyle.

Learn more about ControlTek's company culture as well as ControlTek's Vision and Mission for creating electronic manufacturing and electronics design excellence.

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