
President Andy LaFrazia Joins Guest Speaker Line-Up at Crowd Supply Teardown May 11-13


Crowd Supply Teardown

What is Teardown?

An event for hardware enthusiasts from around the world, Crowd's Supply's Teardown event offers attendees an opportunity to “celebrate, inspect, create, and, of course, tear down” hardware. The 3-day showcase takes place May 11-13 at the Pacific Northwest College of Art and includes not only hardware but also art, food, puzzles, workshops, tutorials and more. ControlTek President Andy LaFrazia was asked to participate in this year's event to share his expertise with new product developers.

Andy will be on hand this year to talk with new product developers and other engineers on Saturday, May 12th at 3 p.m. about the importance of Design for Manufacturing and how involving your electronics contract manufacturer early in the design process can help you save money during development. ControlTek’s Engineering team will also be in attendance throughout the event.

To see the full guest speaker line-up, visit the Crowd Supply event page now.

About Crowd Supply

Crowd Supply is a crowd funding platform in Portland, Oregon that helps connect product creators to the funding and support they need to deliver thoughtfully crafted products to the market. Crowd Supply has gained positive recognition for the high success rate of its products. The site also serves as an online store for successful campaigns’ inventories.

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