Santa Gets Extra Help This Year With ControlTek's Christmas Family Program

ControlTek employees have been channeling their inner Santas this month as they work together on the Family Christmas Program. The month-long event has been a part of ControlTek's holiday traditions for more than ten years, partnering ControlTek with the Vancouver Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to provide food, clothing, gifts and other supplies for a local family in need during the holiday season.
This year employees are sponsoring a local family that's been hard-hit by the economic downturn; with six kids to provide for, the childrens' parents have experienced difficulty providing the gifts, food and other supplies to help make the holiday season special. Both parents have been the unfortunate victims of Washington's high unemployment rate, but with the help of ControlTek employees, these parents will be able to provide holiday gifts for their six children as well as winter clothing and household supplies necessary to sustain the family during the winter months.
ControlTek Administrative Assistant Rosemarie Kendall is instrumental each year in making the event a success. Rosemarie creates the company’s holiday giving tree with each ornament representing one item from a child’s holiday wish list. Tree decorations will begin to thin out as employees swap tags for gifts left under the tree. Employees will also take part in a food drive that provides food for the holidays as well as additional food staples that will last the family well into the new year; including dry goods and canned food as well as other household items.
Participation in the Christmas Family program continues ControlTek’s longstanding history of community outreach and civic service. As an added bonus, ControlTek matches all employee contributions dollar for dollar. Double the giving means double the holiday surprises for a local family who might otherwise be left out in the cold this year.
This year’s annual giving tree, like all of the trees before it, is set up in the lobby at ControlTek; and, like in other years, we can't wait to see the gift pile grow until we can hardly get make it through the lobby!